ATIQUE ADVERTISING, a print house catering to your corporate design needs.
We pride ourselves in providing top of the line quality, whilst maintaining a seamless execution of services.
Our professionals are specialized to suit your every need so what can ATIQUE ADVERTISING do for your business?
“We do it fast, we do it well”
Our service offerings ore mentioned below.
Digital Printing – we offer high quality color printing. Banners, Posters, Sticker, plastic sheets, PopUp, Rollup
Offset Printing – We offer you the latest state-of-the-art printing technology to fulfill all your color business
communication needs, from stationary to brochures & Booklet, catalogs and documents. Flyers,
Business Cards, Corporate Folders. Magazine & Computer Forms or Stationery for Dot Matrix Printers, etc.
Foiling & Stamping – We have all types of Foiling & Heat Embossing Facility.
Etching & Engraving – We offer all types of Etching & Engraving works on metal, Acrylic, plastic or wood.
Gifts & Promotions – We have a wide range of Corporate Gifts (brochure available) for strengtheing your
relationships with your clients. Please hove a Look in our Brochure. (All kinds of Gift & Promotionol Items)
Computerized Embroidery & Staff Uniforms – We provide service of embroidery designing and company
monograms on T-shirts, Polo shirts, sweatshirts, cops etc.
Indoor Outdoor Signage – We provide printing and installation of indoor and outdoor signages, 3D & 2D Neon
Signage, Office Door Sign etc.