Today’s stylish women who have a fetish for stilettos, the Heel Stoppers from Dees Boutique are stylized accessories that fit into any heel like a glove over a hand. These are both discrete and inexpensive – items that every woman who wears heels should have. Hence for all you lovely ladies, ruined heels are history with Heel Stoppers from Dees Boutique Dubai.
Wearing high heels now need no longer be a sinking-feeling experience when walking on a lawn. That’s because Dees Boutique Heel Stoppers are designed to be ideal accessories which prevent high heels from sinking into soft earth or flooring with cracks in it, where heels could easily be trapped in and tripping occur as a result.
Ideal for occasions like weddings or when going to the races or a day out at polo, Heel Stoppers from Dees Boutique afford the wearer poise and confidence as they give you that added assurance. So now, as a bride you don’t have to worry about broken or damaged heels but simply pose in style.
Designed for ease of use, each Heel Stopper fits snugly over a shoe’s heels. Their flexible material ensures a secure grip and protects heels from damage due to wear and tear and from any splashing or dirt in wet weather.
What’s particularly important is that while adding style to their wearer, Heel Stoppers from Dees Boutique protect you and your shoes. This quality is achieved as a result of their flexible tube design that stabilizes the wearer’s balance on surfaces that are uneven and not safe to walk on.
Their original design thus helps a woman to be better mobile in heels besides extending the life of her favorite shoes. Available in 3 different sizes namely Petite, Small and Medium. Also the heel stoppers are available in Clear or Black or with beautiful Crystal Hearts or Black / White Flowers.
On all counts, Dees Boutique Heel Stoppers, therefore, become a modern woman’s indispensable companion in the outdoors especially at her wedding day. They can be easily carried away in a handbag and used to one’s advantage… just in case.